Please do check our weekly news letter on the home page for services on this week.
There are various services of Holy Communion, or the Eucharist, held each week at differing times and using a variety of service settings. Holy Communion is a sharing in the bread and wine as Jesus did with his disciples at the last supper and following in the traditions of many generations of Christians in the church before us.
Some of our services are 'said' whilst others include sung elements often led by our choir. Holy Communion Services are open to all and if it is not your usual tradition to join in communion you can receive a blessing or simply quietly remain in your seat.

On the fourth Sunday of each month, our 10am service is a more relaxed service without Holy Communion. There may be a craft activity, and we encourage younger members and families, or those who would not normally, to take an active part in the service by, for example, reading the prayers or helping us to act out part of the readings.
The music is a good mix of traditional and more modern church music and the service is usually slightly shorter than the communion services.
When there is a fifth Sunday in the month we have an Altogether in the Hall. This is an informal service with a relaxed atmosphere suitable for all the family. It may sometimes include Holy Communion.

IONA - 2nd Sunday at 5pm
A Reflective Service at 5pm on second Sunday of the month.
Iona is an Island off the Scottish mainland where people go to find peace and spiritual refreshment within the Iona Abbey. Our worship reflects that and each month we have a different theme for our service. We look at the season of the Christian year, issues that are at the heart of the day, reflective issues and many more. We encourage those who attend, that want to, to take part by reading a certain passage or acting out a drama, both of which are provided in a service sheet. Many people who attend appreciate having the service sheet to take home in order to reread the contents and use as a prayer tool.

Prayer is an important part of Church life, and a means of keeping in touch with God, but it can be daunting for individuals. The Prayer Ministry Team is made up of individuals who have devoted time to prayer and have trained in praying with, and for, others.
We do not always have a prayer need of our own, but have concerns about a family member or friend. The Prayer Ministry Team are happy to pray with you, for your own concerns, or for others about whom you are worried.
Prayer Ministry is available after the 8.30am service on the first Sunday of the month, and after the 10am service on the first and third Sundays; but you can also ask for a member of the team to pray with you at any time.
The prayer team usually gather to say prayers in church on the first Thursday on the month at 2pm. All are welcome to come along.
- Prayers are also held for the Parish from 9 - 9.30am on Saturdays via Zoom.
- A group of local churches/members meet most Tuesday mornings on Zoom at 8am to prayer for Poole
Contact the church office for details. of either of these meetings and how to join

CAFE CHURCH - First Wednesday of the month in March, June, September
and December at 2pm
This is an informal fresh expression type of worship that can be enjoyed by people of all ages but especially the more mature people. We meet in the Large hall at St George’s four times a year. Each month we follow a different theme which includes a talk and some well-known hymns or carols at Christmas. We are blessed by having Peter to play the piano for us as we sing together and our singing is followed by a tea provided by a team of members from the church, which is a time to share with other people and enjoy their company. We welcome members of the Autumn Club, The Laurels care home and anyone from our church or those from the parish and beyond. There is no need to book just come along and enjoy the company.

Choral Evensong dates back to the time of the Reformation, using elements of the old monastic Offices of Vespers and Compline. The words were laid out in Archbishop Cranmer’s Book of Common Prayer, the first version of which appeared in 1549. The music took shape a few decades later, in the reign of Queen Elizabeth I, with great choral music written specifically for this new service, and in each subsequent generation new composers have continued to add to the repertoire of Evensong. This has inspired a unique 500-year-old unbroken tradition of choir school foundations across Britain and Ireland that has been responsible for the very high standard of choral singing maintained to this day.
Cranmer created the liturgy (words) of Evensong with the general public in mind, motivated by the fact that it would condense more services than people could be expected to attend into one short service; the people of his day were not well-versed in Scripture; the public services were in Latin; and they were too elaborate for simple people to follow.
It is a peace-inducing service in which the ‘song’ of voices sounding together in harmony is heard at the ‘even’ point between the active day and restful night, allowing listeners time for restful contemplation.
At St. George’s this Service is an opportunity to hear our choir sing, and to join in with singing ancient songs such as ‘The Magnificat’ and the ‘Nunc Dimittis’, as well as singing more well-known hymns.