Jesus and Me (JaM)

Our Children and Family sessions meet in the Church Hall at 10am on the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Sunday of the month during term time, for stories, songs, crafts, and other fun activities.
The fourth Sunday is an All Together in Church service. There's no Holy Communion at that service and it is an opportunity for the Children and Families to worship together with those who gather in the church during the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Sundays.
Whenever there is a 5th Sunday we reverse things and have All Together in the Hall so that those who usually worship in church can experience worship in the hall together with our children and families.
We have a dedicated team on a rota system who help with this ministry. When not on the rota they may be found in the church doing other duties.
When the service in Church finishes, members come down and join us in the Hall for refreshments and to see what we've been doing.
Children who also attend the Choir are collected at a certain point in the service so that they can join in with the choir anthem.
We welcome families with children of all ages, although pre-school children will need to have a parent/carer stay with them. Parents and Carers are welcome to stay and join in the fun, or attend the church service and join us afterwards for refreshments.
September 2021 started with games and activities to help us think about
Harvest. We had parachute games, and used the parachute to make a tent
as we thought about 'Sukkot', the Jewish Harvest festival where they make
Tabernacles, or tents.'