The choir at St. George’s is a lively and friendly group of singers comprising of both adults and children. We lead the music side of worship every Sunday at 10am. We also sing at celebration services, Holy days and carol services as well as weddings.
We practice on Wednesday at 6.30pm each week during term time.
Our adult choir is open to anyone over the age of 16 regardless of past singing experience - all we look for are people who enjoy singing, being part of a team and would benefit from the fellowship of being part of the group. We have ladies who sing either Soprano (top line) or Alto (slightly lower pitch) and Gents who sing Tenor or Bass. Much of the music we sing is sung in unison which means even if you can’t read music - you will do just fine!
Our junior choir are a lively bunch! Children from age 7 depending on their ability to read up to 16 for girls and around 14 for boys (when voices start breaking). The choristers get paid for weddings, a money ‘bounty’ on St George’s Day and at Christmas as well as Easter eggs and other treats and outings. They learn the basics of music as well as being part of a team and make great friends with whom they have lots of fun.
More info on joining our choir is available from the Director of Music - Peter Hooper on 01202 692038.

The Choir at Christmas